We have spent countless hours meeting with our 4-H clients and we learned that having a single training platform across 4-H was something that was needed. Many state programs used different LMS platforms and there was no easy way to track training taken by staff, volunteers, and club members making system administration very difficult. So, we decided to create our own LMS platform and integrate all of the training data with our ZSuite Club Management system.

We are working with many states to support their volunteer training requirements such as Volunteer Orientation and Protecting Minors trainings. These are fully integrated, we can easily track completion and there is no need to go to an external website.
In addition, the 4-H National Shooting Sports Instructor Primer courses that are taken by volunteers across the nation is housed in this platform.

We are working to bring some existing 4-H curriculum to our digital learning platform. Our goal is to provide 4-H members a fun, interactive place to learn the awesome skills taught by
4-H. If you've got questions regarding this platform, please contact us and we'll be glad to assist you with any questions or dream with you about the possibilities for the future of 4-H curriculum.